ILOILO CITY: The Venice of the Philippines

Iloilo City is blessed with a wonderful gift – the Iloilo River. This river is the catalyst for the changes in Iloilo especially its marine industry. This river will truly makes Iloilo the beautiful city.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Iloilo City hosts 13th PACUIT natl confab

By: Lara Jeunesse I. Villaruel ILOILO City is hosting the three-day 13th national conference of the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities of Industrial Technology (PACUIT), Inc. at Punta Villa Resort.Dr. Luis M. Sorolla Jr., president of West Visayas State University welcomed the more than 300 delegates on the opening program yesterday.Some of the brightest minds in the country will present their researches and projects on various areas of industrial technology, engineering, and industrial education in line with the theme “Innovation: From Development to Commercialization”.Hosted by WVSU, Iloilo Science and Technology University,...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Palace takes June 12 freedom rites to Iloilo

The storied former Iloilo provincial capitol will add to its history on June 12 when it hosts the first ever Independence Day vin d’honneur (wine of honor) to be held outside Malacañang. The two-story building completed in 1873 will be the venue for the traditional cocktails to be hosted by President Aquino, after the Independence Day flag-raising ceremony in Sta. Barbara town in Iloilo. The vin d’honneur, which Malacañang holds every Independence Day and at the beginning of every year, is expected to be attended by about 120 members of the diplomatic corps and their spouses, legislators, and civic and business leaders. The old Iloilo...

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